What an admission in an UK Government document
I think it's there as a get out clause so they can say "see we did warn people".
I won’t bother you all with the full FOI answer as I’m still thinking of how to reply to them as their full answer leaves out a lot of information and is a bit nonsensical to be honest.
It also ties into a previous post which I will keep updated once in a while.
Anyway, the DHSC just answered these questions:
1 - has the DHSC carried out or is carrying out any investigation into why the number of excess deaths have been so high for so long?
2 - supply any analysis or conclusions for any investigations in to the high number of excess deaths since May 2021
Part of their answer is this:
OHID also collaborated with the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on a report on COVID-19 vaccination and mortality in young people during the coronavirus pandemic, which was published in March this year: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/causesofdeath/articles/covid19vaccinationandmortalityinyoungpeopleduringthecoronaviruspandemic/latest
There are many statements in it that anyone with any knowledge or intelligence could rip to shreds or just read it, scratch their head and go “how the hell did they come up with that?”.
Here is my favourite and the most important:
"the safety of these vaccines is still of concern" - they mean the “covid vaccines” so officially at least one UK Government department has concerns over their safety record.
Then my 2nd favourite(s):
"there are some reports of potential side effects, including an alleged association between vaccination and mild myocarditis and myopericarditis in young people."
""Myocarditis tends to appear very soon after vaccination, with evidence suggesting the median time from vaccination to symptom onset is two days. However, we used the first six weeks after vaccination as the risk period to ensure that all deaths resulting from myocarditis would be captured. "
"The number of follow up weeks was restricted to 12 to minimise the impact of registration delay"
I'm sure you lot can pick holes in their conclusions and spot what they are not saying.
Correct me if I am but doesn't myocarditis isn't a quick killer normally is it? It's normally years rather than weeks before death is what I understand.
Any medical people out there want to put me right on that one or is the ONS talking what is known colloquially where I live as “sh*te”?
Very telling.
Someone fucked up sending you that