Well done AG. Everyone I know over 50 is getting these readings now, and a lot of my friends are skinny ultra runners. I suspect they have just medicalised what is quite normal as we age. I will use some of your arguments when they next try this with me - already “pre-diabetic” (I fooled that one by fasting beforehand as we used to be advised to), and the practice nurse confided in me that statins are a box-ticking exercise and she has also refused them.

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Great post.

BP 138?

Is that all?

Regarding D.

Ebay will be better than boots, with a more meaningful potency.

Make sure you get D3 and get it with K2 as well, to prevent hypercalcemia.

5000 iu Vitamin D3 and 100mcg K2 should be less than £15 for the year.

Good luck and stay awkward.

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Good job! We all must become our own advocates and research everything so we can confront the misconceptions that doctors are trained to give us and come to our own conclusions. No pharma drugs! If you haven't read "The Great Cholesterol Myth (Revised and Expanded)" it is very eye-opening!


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Or the Great Cholesterol Con and The Clot Thickens by Dr Malcolm Kendrick

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I avoid doctors and dodged statins years ago (thanks Malcolm Kendrick)but am under investigation for diagnosing prostate cancer after high PSA reading in blood. Refused the gadolinium dye and biopsy (perineum incision for camera!).

Taking supplements including black seed oil, dandelion, apigenin, quercetin and IP6 alongside vitamins and zinc.

Will speak to Urology about monitoring only and destroy any allopathic oncological crap they say...



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Look at

Bitter Apricot seeds (Laetrile)

Fenbendazole (Joe Tippens).


Essiac tea originally by Rene Caisse

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Thanks FenBen and Apricot on my radar

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