Much of this sounds more like insulin resistance than diabetes. Maybe research that a bit.

Keto should address the glucose spikes and crashes.

See dietdoctor.com

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I noticed your absence and was concerned. I have not even mentioned Microwave Sickness to my GP. They are not independent thinkers, are they? They have a screen into which they type stuff.... then they get protocols to follow. They dare not actually think because that is the sure way to wind up unemployed in UK.

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"I noticed your absence and was concerned" - thank you. I'll be coming and going at random for a while yet.

Plus where I am working at the moment I cannot take my laptop nor mobile phone so when away don't have access to substack as I cannot remember my logon details to be honest.

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Have you come across Diabetes Unpacked (Tim Noakes, with chapters by lots of others including Malcolm Kendrick, Zoe Harcombe, David Unwin)?

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Am also iatrophobic! I avoid doctors but am under investigation for diagnosing prostate cancer after high PSA reading in blood. Refused the gadolinium dye and biopsy. Taking supplements including black seed oil, dandelion, apigenin, quercetin and IP6 alongside vitamins and zinc. Will speak to Urology about monitoring only. Appointment 3rd July. Will never go down the oncology slash and burn route. Never swab tested, masked or jabbed. Stick to your guns.

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Crikey AG, hope she gets sorted but can’t imagine the NHS even considering her experience, they will just go back to script.

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The last GP - who retired early last year and promptly had a heart attack, he was one of 2 it happened to within weeks of each other by strange coincidence - said "that's above my pay grade" when I spoke to him about it. 2 x neurology teams (Mrs Awkward's and my late father's) both stopped communicating with us when EMFs were was raised even though 1 senior person told me that if this was true he could remove 80% of his patients off his list tomorrow.

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Diabetes is hard going .It's a disease l know our food is full of chemicals and our drinking water too which doesn't help anyone.Dont give up the real specialist is the diabetic person .♥️x.

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shouldnt they be trying metformin, SGLT2i, GLP1a, DPP4, something opril and a statin?


i took interest in this article which links a microbiome dysfunction to GLP1 dysfunction and thus glucose intolerance.

difluoromethylarginine could be a way to restore microbiome function without expensive patented injections.

you could also try berberine. glynac, ALA and microbiome repair.

Personally i was sceptical of GLP1 but i've had great success on them, but not everyone is as lucky as me symptom wise. My BMI was spiralling up and so was my blood pressure, so i had to do something and diet was not working.

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"trying metformin, SGLT2i, GLP1a, DPP4, something opril and a statin"

That is the NHS plan but metformin just drove up Mrs Awkward's blood sugars higher and higher the longer she was on it and the worse she felt, ditto for the Gila Lizard Proteins (no-one listened even when I took in the graphs showing this), statins are a waste of time (read Dr Malcolm Kendrick's books Doctoring Data and The Great Cholesterol Con) plus made her ill and it was only to counteract the side-effects of the other drugs that drive up cholesterol levels anyway and higher insulin doses give her insulin poisoning symptoms.

So now we're looking for alternatives to the idiocy and ignorance coming from the NHS and diabetes UK.

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How about Acarbose?

You could also try exogenous ketones Beta Hydroxybutyrate but its frighteningly expensive.

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forgot to add,,,

Magnesium to go with potassium/sodium

and also Vitamin K2 with the Vitamin D

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