More UK Government back passing on investigating the excess all-cause mortality since April 2021
This time right from the very top.
You may recall this post on the very same subject:
Well I’ve now had another reply from the Home Office which is the UK Government Department that is responsible for law, order and justice.
This is their reply to my questions:
Thank you for your email of 9 November about your concern regarding excess deaths and the COVID-19 vaccines. Your email has been passed to the Home Office’s Direct Communications Unit for a reply. We are sorry for the delay in responding.
As explained in our response letter of 8 November (our reference: TRO/044618/22), in the absence of a UK national death investigation service, the role and remit of the Home Office is limited to the oversight of the provision of forensic pathology services to police and coroners in England and Wales. In practical terms, this amounts to the regulation and setting of standards for the profession, via the Pathology Delivery Board.
Beyond this, the Home Office has no operational oversight or influence over the day to day working activities of forensic pathology practitioners and has no form of contractual or employment relationship with those pathologists whose names appear on the Home Office register. Registrants are (in the main) private individuals who contract their services directly to the police and coroners in suspicious death and homicide investigations, and their primary duty is to act as expert witnesses to the court (whether coronial or criminal).
Questions regarding the role of the wider pathology profession in the research and investigation of any specific disease may be more appropriately directed to the Royal College of Pathologists.
We are unable to comment on speculative assertions of the causation of death - or of potential outcomes in terms of proceedings (coronial or criminal) in any matter, whether general or particular.
Evidence of suspected suspicious death/homicide should in the first instance be directed to the police.
Yours sincerely,
So I’ve sent them this missive to try and elicit some sort of response:
“Thank you for your reply, it is much appreciated.
I have three questions that I cannot get an answer to from any government department, government Minister, medicines regulator, pathologist, police force etc so far and they are:
1 - if a medicinal drug or procedure is suspected of, causes or contributes to a person’s death, no matter how much time has elapsed then it cannot be classified as a “natural cause” can it?
It must be a suspicious or unexplained death that requires a full post-mortem and that might result in a verdict in a Coroner’s Court of unlawful killing that leads to a trial for corporate manslaughter, corporate murder or malfeasance/misfeasance in public office.
2 - who is responsible for initiating an investigation into the causes of a continuous and ever increasing all-cause mortality rate that correlates with the introduction of a experimental, never before tried on humans medicinal product that has no long-term safety trials conducted?
So far every professional body, regulator and judicial department has said “not within our remit”.
This includes:
2 of my local Coroner’s Offices
The College of Policing
The Chief Coroner’s Office
The Royal College of Pathologists
The Pathological Society
The Home Office Forensic Pathology Unit
The Office of National Statistics
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
The UK Health Security Agency
The Department of Health and Social Care
Here is a scenario - I admit I have not included links, names, countries, FOIs etc but I do have them and supporting documents available:
October 2020 - UK government changes the legislation on medicines and vaccinations to allow for a completely new type of vaccination never before used in humans (including many of the individual ingredients) before the Public Assessment Report (PAR), that requires completed Phase 3 safety trials to be completed, is written and released
October 2020 - a US government advisory panel on medicines and vaccinations releases a list of adverse events that they will be closely monitoring after a new type of vaccination never before used in humans (including many of the individual ingredients) is released in coming months
December 2020 - the new type of vaccination never before used in humans (including many of the individual ingredients) is given Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) and immediately the roll-out of the new vaccination commences for vulnerable and “at high risk” persons - the exact group that was NOT included in the truncated safety trial
February 2021 - the PAR is released with much of the safety trial data missing, biodistribution studies not performed, accusations of fake and forged data, the control group during the trial unblinded and given the vaccination, reported problems with the Quality Control during the manufacturing process resulting in variable amounts of the active ingredient in each batch between zero and 3x what the recommended dose should be, the numerous failures in the manufacturing process reported during an official inspection of one of the factories and many other issues with the vaccinations from all manufacturers
children under 18, pregnant women, those with co-morbidities or serious health issues and the aged were NOT included in any safety trial prior to the roll-out of the vaccination in that particular demographic
as the vaccination roll-out continues many countries worldwide notice a spike in all-cause mortality within 2 weeks of the vaccination being given
as more groups are added into the roll-out the all-cause mortality increases and continues without subsequently dropping
as more groups are added into the roll-out the age of “sudden deaths” and the average age of deaths starts dropping and this age drop continues
between Feb 2021 and to date many deaths are observed and reported many of which match the adverse events that were listed in Oct 2019 and that were to be monitored closely
between Feb 2021 and to date many scientific research papers are released question the “safe and effective” narrative for the new type vaccinations and listing possible medical problems they will/are causing
the cause of deaths for the increased mortality closely matches the earlier adverse events to be monitored closely after the vaccination roll-out
mid-2022 independent research shows that the new type vaccinations are contributing to the cause death in an average of 5 months from the date of the person receiving the vaccination with verification of a correlation/causation with statements by funeral directors, embalmers and independent researchers
independent post-mortems carried out in Germany show that the majority of deaths of those examined could be directly attributed to the new type vaccination
from Oct 2019 to date there is still no official release of the truncated safety trial data for independent analysis nor and no official release of any data or information to support the “safe and effective” narrative in the long term (1 year plus)
If you require links to verify the above scenario for yourself, contacts of those who performed the research, the FOIs I have and so on then do not hesitate to get in contact with me as I will be only too pleased to supply the information for you and the Coroner (even if it is in a private capacity) to perform further, more in-depth research in to this matter but to be honest it should not take longer than 10 minutes of independent searching of the internet to bring to light sufficient instances of the correlation between the introduction of the “covid vaccinations” and the increasing numbers of all-cause mortality around the world that are being reported in not just the UK but the EU, the USA and other countries.
The high all-cause mortality figures especially in younger age groups should be ringing alarm bells with those who are tasked with the responsibility to find out what really caused the death of a person because if it is shown to be a medicinal product then the regulators need to know so that they can review the medicine’s safety record and take the necessary steps to stop further harm and deaths from it.
Without this independent input the regulators cannot perform their duties in full can they and a dangerous and unsafe medicine will continue to be used and continue to contribute to deaths.
I do know that correlation is not causation but as NOT one government or regulator worldwide has admitted to or released any research that shows that there is NOT a connection between the “covid vaccination” programme and the increased, sustained and continuing all-cause mortality numbers except to say “coincidence” or “safe and effective” without back-up evidence nor independently verified research to support their statements an official investigation is becoming ever more urgent.
You can download it from their website along with the list of signatories etc, it is not hard to find even for Government researchers.
Section 1.1 states:
1.1 Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) In the pre-approval clinical experience with a new medicinal product or its new usages, particularly as the therapeutic dose(s) may not be established: all noxious and unintended responses to a medicinal product related to any dose should be considered adverse drug reactions. The phrase responses to a medicinal product means that a causal relationship between a medicinal product and an adverse event is at least a reasonable possibility, i.e., the relationship cannot be ruled out. Regarding marketed medicinal products: a response to a drug which is noxious and unintended and which occurs at doses normally used in man for prophylaxis, diagnosis, or therapy of diseases or for modification of physiological function (see the ICH Guideline for Clinical Safety Data Management: Definitions and Standards for Expedited Reporting).
So in other words - with experimental medicines err on the side of caution and assume the problem was caused by the drug unless or until proven otherwise.
The MHRA and virtually all other signatories and regulators worldwide are not doing this but the complete opposite.
3 - why is the international treaty on how to perform drug trials being deliberately ignored for any and all SARS-CoV-2 injections?
The UK should be at the forefront of investigating this excess mortality and it’s causes openly and honestly as we used to be known as being impartial and independent and led by facts and evidence.
Or is this no longer the case?
There is a simple protocol recommended by Prof. Dr. Burkhardt of the Reutlingen Pathology Laboratory which will show whether a person died natural causes or from a vaccine.
Will the UK commence investigating the increase in all-cause mortality since April 2021 and instigate this protocol or will this Government continue to bury it’s collective head in the sand and do nothing and just continue to cheer in Parliament whenever a Minister or Prime Minister states the unproven, unqualified and unfounded mantra of “safe and effective”?
So once again I ask as I seriously wish to know they answer - who in a position of authority is going to officially investigate if correlation is or is not causation of the link between the excess deaths and the new “covid vaccinations”?
Yours sincerely”
More official “not us Guv’” buck passing in action.
Dude, seriously, they gave you the answer right there: "in the absence of a UK national death investigation service". It seems to me that the person who wrote that is heavily hinting to you that a UK National Death Investigation Service needs to be set up. Sounds like a good plan.
Write back and ask how a person might set up a UK National Death Investigation Service. See what they suggest. Then maybe we can follow their suggestion. And then your questions can at last be addressed.
I've been poking at this, too, in the context of finding out if/how MHRA pick up signals as part of its Pharamcovigilance. I'd add that a) the Ministry of Justice said "not us, guv" when I submitted an FOI about Regulation 28 reports and b) Death Certificates are collected by the General Register Office which falls under HM Passport Office !! The whole thing is completely dysfunctional. I'd like to talk direct to you. If you're happy to share, I'm on